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User Tab

Use this tab to specify a user name, preferred name, job title, department, and company.

The fields in this tab are listed below:

First Name

Specifies the user's first name.

Rule String: %UF%

Middle Name

Specifies the user's middle name.

Rule String: %UMI%

Last Name

Specifies the user's last name.

Rule String: %UL%

Preferred Name

Specifies the user's preferred name. This could be a nickname or a company assigned user name.

Full Name

Specifies the user's full name.

Rule String: %UN%

Job Title

Specifies the user's job title.

Rule String: %UT%


Specifies the user's department.

Rule String: %UDEPT%


Specifies the user's company name.

Rule String: %UCOMP%


Specifies the user's office name as identified within the company, such as a city name.

Rule String: %UO%