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Output Tab

Use this tab to specify the message queue and printing information.

The fields in this tab are listed below:

Message Queue Delivery Method

Specifies how messages are delivered to the user's message queue. Possible values are:

Message Queue Severity

Specifies the lowest severity that a message can have and still be delivered to a user in break or notify mode.


If *USRPRF is selected, the fully-qualified, integrated file system path name of the message queue that is used by this user is specfied. You can also manually set this field, by entering the fully-qualified integrated file system path name of the message queue in the text box.


If *LIBL is specified, the library list is used as the location for the message queue library. If *CURLIB is specified, the current library is used as the location for the message queue library. You can also manually set the library by entering the library in the text box.

Print Device

If *WRKSTN is selected, this user's printer as the printer assigned to the user's work station is specified. If *SYSVAL is selected, this user's printer as the default system printer specified in the system value QPRTDEV is specfied. You can also manually set the print device by entering the printer information in the text box.


If *WRKSTN is selected, the user's output queue as the one assigned to the user's workstation is specified. If *DEV is selected, the user's output queue as an output queue with the same name as the device specified in the printer device parameter is specified. You can also manually set the queue by entering the output queue in the text box.


If *LIBL is selected, the library list is used as the location for the output queue library. If *CURLIB is selected, the current library is used as the location for the output queue library. You can also set the library manually by entering the location of the output queue library in the text box.