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Explore and Correlate Tab

Explore and Correlate Containers

Displays the containers in an endpoint that you can explore or correlate. You can explore a container in one level or full sub-tree.

Explore endpoint for managed objects

Check to explore the objects in the endpoint. This action finds the objects and stores instances of them in the Provisioning Directory.

Correlate accounts to users

Check to associate each account on an endpoint (or selected container of an endpoint) with a user. Correlating is optional, but strongly recommended. There are two options available when you correlate accounts to users:

Use Existing Users

Check to use the configured correlation matching algorithm to match each account with a previously created user. If the matching algorithm identifies a single matching user, the correlation of that account is successful. The account is associated with the matched user.

If the matching algorithm identifies no matching users or more than one matching user, then the correlation of the account is unsuccessful. The account is instead associated with the special [default user] user. The [default user] then becomes the temporary object to keep track of problem accounts.

Create Users as Needed

Check when correlating accounts on your primary endpoint. This option presumes that the accounts on your endpoint are named exactly the same as the users. The correlation-matching algorithm does not come into play here. Each account is simply associated to the user with the same name. If the user does not yet exist, it is created. This option does not associate accounts to the [default user] object.

When the Create users as Needed option is specified during a correlate, users are created without any of the optional attributes such as full name, address and phone numbers. During the initial acquisition of an endpoint, use this option to set these user attributes using account attribute values. During subsequent re-issuance of the explore and correlate feature, use this option to refresh the user attributes to pick up changes made to the account attributes, perhaps by tools other than CA Identity Manager.

Update User Fields

Check to set selected user attributes from account attributes. When the Create users as Needed option is specified during a correlate, users are created without any of the optional attributes such as full name, address and phone numbers. During the initial acquisition of an endpoint, use this option to set these user attributes using account attribute values. During subsequent re-issuance of the explore and correlate feature, use this option to refresh the user attributes to pick up changes made to the account attributes, perhaps by tools other than CA Identity Manager.